Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture

Having been practiced for hundreds of years, traditional Chinese acupuncture is effective in treating many different ailments.  Optimizing one's health is the primary goal of this ancient technique, but did you know it can also promote long-term improvements of the skin and its overall health?  Cosmetic facial acupuncture is an extension of traditional practice and is treated only after the patient receives his/her full body treatment.  


How it works: The insertion of many tiny, painless needles causes micro-traumas in the tissue triggering the brain to begin the healing process.  The lymphatic and circulatory systems work together bringing nutrients and blood flow to the skin cells. Collagen and elastin are also stimulated which aids in repairing the punctures, while smoothing lines and wrinkles.  Over time the result is younger, brighter and, most importantly, healthier skin.  


To experience lasting results, a self-care commitment is required. Prepare to be treated a total of ten times: two times per week for five weeks. This is a non-toxic anti-aging technique that not only improves skin, but also contributes to overall health and well-being.  



*Initial consultation & treatment (includes sample R3 skin care line to use during the course of treatment): $350. 2 hour appointment.

*Follow-up consultation & treatment: $250. 90 minute appointment.

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Contact Me

Alex Leddy Acupuncture
23272 Two Rivers Road #101
Basalt , Colorado 81621
Phone: 970-309-8594 970-309-8594
Cell: 970-309-5853
Fax: 970-279-5584
E-mail Address:

 Or use my contact form.

Business Hours


Alex: 9am-1pm.

Annie: 1pm-6pm.
Alex: 9am-4:30pm.


Alex: 11am-6pm


Alex: 9am-1pm

Annie: 1pm-6:00pm

Fridays: Alex: 9am-4:30pm
Saturdays: Alex works some Saturdays. Please contact her directly. 

Sundays: Annie: 11am-6pm

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© Alex Leddy Acupuncture